318 Brannan Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94107

EMG and Nerve Conduction Studies

When you come to see us for help regarding your chronic pain conditions, we may order additional testing in order to assess the severity of your problem and to confirm the diagnosis. If you are suffering from pain that seems to be neurological in nature, we may order an EMG or nerve conduction studies.

An EMG, also known as electromyography, is an electro-diagnostic technique that is used to record and evaluate the electrical activity that is produced by your skeletal muscles. An electromyography is used to produce the record of the test, which is called the electromyogram.

Nerve conduction studies measure the speed of the conduction of the electrical impulse as it travels through the nerve. These studies can effectively determine the extent of nerve damage. The nerve gets stimulated during the test, and there are usually electrode patches attached to the skin of the patient.

Tests are only ordered when we believe they will play a significant role in helping us to come up with an effective treatment plan that will control your pain and make it much more manageable.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your pain management needs.