The disc prolapses, or slips forward, because of the internal disc pressure increase. As a result, the disc will bulge or slip, compressing the nerve root. Back pain can be caused by the deformed disc. Percutaneous discectomy uses small instruments inserted between the vertebrae into the middle of the disc. X-rays guide the movement of the instruments. The surgeon can remove disc tissue by cutting it out, using lasers to burn or destroy the disc, sucking out the center of the disc, or using ozone to oxidize the disc. The result is reduction of the internal pressure experienced by the disc. The disc will then regress, or return to a less developed state much like its original appearance.
Going home the same day of the procedure is expected. You will be given prescription painkillers to control the pain during the recovery period. During the recovery period, which last several weeks after surgery, you will have to avoid lifting, twisting and bending. You cannot sit for long periods of time.
There are several reasons that percutaneous discectomy are done. Those reasons include showing no improvement in nerve or pain damage after 4 or more weeks of non-surgical treatment. Symptoms impact daily activities. Nerve damage in the leg appears to be worsening, or medical tests show a bulging disc that has not ruptured into the spinal canal.
Contact us today to learn more about our pain treatment solutions including percutaneous discectomy. We will come up with the perfect solution for your needs.