318 Brannan Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94107

Knee, Joint and Heel Pain

Knee, joint and heel pain can be caused by a variety of underlying problems. The pain may be the result of an aggravated injury, such as a past fracture or torn ligament. Sometimes it can be the result of years of playing sports. Other causes include an underlying medical condition such as arthritis, plantar fasciitis, or heel spurs.

Because knee, joint and heel pain can greatly impact your everyday life, it is imperative to seek the proper medical treatment to ensure it is properly controlled. We offer non-surgical treatment options, such as muscle strengthening, taping, supportive devices, anti-inflammatory medications and the introduction of lifestyle changes.

We ensure the problem is accurately diagnosed so we can come up with the proper treatment plan to help you control your individual pain problems. Our goal is to help you regain control of your life and help you be able to function better, without having to focus on the pain you suffer. Contact us today to learn more about our pain treatment services.